Monday, April 30, 2012

4-30 Queen's Day (Betty)

It's 7:30 pm and we survived our first Queens Day.  And it was fantastic!

So Paul & Maya left the house around10 am to check out the street sales.  On Queens Day flee markets, or rummage sales abound in the streets of Amsterdam.  Elle, Deb, Sue & I stayed behind to prepare ourselves for the day's festivities.  We were spending the day on a canal boat organized by the mothers of the British School where Elle and Maya attend school.  All of Amsterdam is out on this day, dressed in orange, white or gold.

So we biked over to the neighborhod where we're catching the boat.  We meet other families an hour before we're to get on the boat for a pre-party.  Our hosts served a wonderful Indian lunch and at 1 pm we boarded the boat for our 4 hour cruise through the canals of Amsterdam.  The food was plentiful and the beer was abundant and the experience was one in a lifetime!  It's hard to describe, you just have to see the pictures!

The streets and the canals were packed.  Music was blasting everywhere, everyone was dancing and just having a good time.  The amazing thing was that everyone was partying, but we didn't see any disorderly conduct or aggressive behavior that often shadows these types of events in the States.  I'm not saying they didn't happen, I'm just saying we didn't see any.

So the day was a success.  We're were able to safely peddle back home.  And, Paul is already in bed!  God bless Queen Beatrix.

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