Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4-25 Exploring the City (Betty)

We woke up slowly this morning.  After coffee and some great local croissants we ventured out with Deb who introduced us to the tram system - just jump on the #5 or 24 and get on at the Biblioteck! 

So we started off at the Bloemenmarkt (Flower Market) which is the only floating flower market in the world. The flower stalls stand on the houseboats.  Oh how we wish we could carry these bulbs & buds back to the US!  We wander through enjoying the sites and smells, and stopping at a cheese market for a few samples of the local flavors.

Leaving the Market we walked to the Begijnhof Kapel, a chapel enclosed in a courtyard.  The church "was built in the 14th century as a residence for the Begijntes (Beguines), a Catholic order of unmarried or widowed women who wished to live a pious life of service without becoming nuns. The Beguines received free lodging in return for caring for the sick and the educating the poor of Amsterdam."  Unfortunately we were unable to go inside because of a service being conducted.  This is the chapel where Elle (Deb &Paul's daughter) sang with her school choir for Thanksgiving service.

Leaving the Begijnhof, we search for some lunch settling for a generous dose of Frittes (french fries) with various toppings.  The ChipsyKing delivered.  Fries devoured we headed out to find a pub to wash down the fries.  Again, success.

From here Sue & I part ways with Deb.  She heads back home to pick up the kids from school.  Sue & I walk to the Anne Frank Museum for our tour.  I visited this museum in 2009.  Walking through it a second time is just as sobering.  It is so difficult to believe the intolerance of that era ever existed in this City of Tolerance.  Sue had also been to the museum in 1969.  I'll let her tell you about her experience.

After touring the museum, we stopped at the cafeteria to wait out the rain and introduce Sue to European cappicino.  She's hooked!!!  Then we decide to walk to Leidseplein to find the local Hard Rock - success.  It's not too much further to the Dixons and we're right accross from Vondelpark, so we decide to walk the rest of the way and we're glad we did.  We stopped at the local grocery store, Albert Heim, picked up a couple of items and headed back to Ruysdaelstraat.

The remainder of the evening we enjoyed the company of our host family and headed for bed by 10 to conquer our jet lag and rest up for Day 2.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you ladies are already having such a great time! Now tell my mom to get her butt on here and blog her thoughts!
