We made it! We're in Amsterdam! After a very, tight connection for me (Betty) at Heathrow we were seated next to each other the plane to Ansterdam. And now it's 4:30 am and I'm wide awake? But not before: 1) We're met by our wonderful nephew-in-law, Paul, at the Airport. 2) we received our first lesson on tran & tram etiquette from Paul. 3) Experience our first climb up the Dixon stairwell. 4) Hug & kiss all the Dixon ladies. 5) Drink the Dixon fridge clear of beer. 6) Have a wonderfully evening of conversation. 7) Love to finally be here. We finally head to bed around midnight. But jet lag is viering its ugly head. Gotta try for some more sleep.
PS Sue & I are using the same blog to post. So you'll see one of our names after the title.
Glad you made it safely! At about 6pm PST Brian and I were wondering if you were wide awake! Apparently you were!